
The numerous prizes awarded both nationally and internationally to Citerea mirror our client’s trust throughout the years. These reward both newly designed gardens as well as historic garden restorations.

2009 ‘’Juan Julio’’ award for Aranjuez, Utopía y realidad: La construcción de un paisaje, by the Asociación Española de Parques y Jardines Públicos for the best book contribution to knowledge in the fields related to public landscape.

2007 Award for Instituto de Estudios Madrileños for the publication of Aranjuez, utopía y realidad: la construcción de un paisaje, Madrid, España.

2005 Mention at the XIX Premio de Urbanismo, Arquitectura y Obra Pública del Excmo. Ayto de Madrid for the Proyecto de recuperación Paisajística del Parque Florido, Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Ministerio de Cultura.

2005 1st Prize for ‘Mission d’auteur de projet pour la revalorisation du Jardin Botanique’, Brussels, Belgium.

2003 Award ‘’Amigos del Botánico’’, from the Sociedad de Amigos del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, for the Palacio de los Castejones, Ágreda.

2002 1st Prize, tender for Forest Parklands at Valdebarnado (landscape consultancy to project directed by Mr. Luis Moya), Consorcio Urbanistico, Valdebarnardo, PAU-4.

2002 1st Prize, tender for Restoring the Paseo del Prado & Recoletos Streets (landscape consultancy to the project directed Mr. Siza Viera), Madrid, Spain.

2001 II Biennale for European Landscape Architecture, Polifilo  Gardens Valencia, Spain.

1999  Diploma of Merit, Official School of Real Estate Agents of Valencia City & Province for Polifilo Gardens, Valencia, Spain.

1997 1st Prize, Design for Gardens in Section 1, Ademuz, Valencia.  Supported by Bancaja.

1995 Award, International Festival of Gardens at Chaumont-sur-Loire, France.

1995 7th Edition of Urban, Architectural and Civil Works Awards. Study of Zone 22 in relation to the Plan for Overall Restoration of the Gardens of Buen Retiro, Madrid. Spain.

1995 The Alhambra Award, given by the Spanish Association of Public Gardens and Parks for the  Project related to the Public Park of Antonio Pirala, Plaza de Ventas Square, Madrid. Spain.

1995 “Europa Nostra” Award for the Restoration of the Cloisters of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Cáceres, Spain, now officially part of the Human Heritage Programme of UNESCO.

1995 3rd Prize, “Battersea Park Millenium Design Competition”. London. UK.

1995 2nd Prize  “Concurso para la Nueva Centralidad Regional de San Sebastián de los Reyes”, Madrid. Spain